
Summer Days: Gear Vol.2

(Photo: Award Tour Yacht Club Shirt courtesy of my bro Loch from Award Tour)

This is another back post. This was the gear I sported to my First job orientation/interview. Seeing how the job has 0 to do with fashion they most likely didnt care. But this is what I was feeling at that point in time. The cameras are ALWAYS rollin'.

(Photo: American Eagle Stripe* Short)

I literally bugged my mom for the longest in search of some type of bottoms with these stripes. I call them train conductor painter paints. Excuse my lack of knowledge for the term. Theses are another super lightweight pair of shorts. The only thing I get scared about is staining or ripping them because there so light.

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1 comment:

p[L]e[0]a[V]c[E] . said...

lmfao at so light .

be careful